喜歡不可見、偶然、弔詭、矛盾、不合時宜的事物勝過理所當然。關注環境中的縫隙——當代藝術、影像美學、情感技術、氛圍體驗、審美注意力與另類知識生產。現就讀於北藝大美術學系博士班,文章散見於《典藏ARTouch》、《CLABO實驗波》、《Critical Asia Archives》與《報導者》,並經營平台《Mi M1 MeW MəW》。
Bo Yi Shen explores the intervals in the world—contemporary art, visual aesthetics, affective technology, atmospheric experience, aesthetic attention, and alternative knowledge production. Currently a doctoral student in the Department of Fine Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts, their research engages with the unseen, the accidental, the paradoxical, the contradictory, and the untimely rather than the expected.
2021- ,Ph. D . Program Artistic Practice and Critical Research, Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts.
沈柏逸/屏息中輕嘆:2024亞洲藝術雙年展《所有令人屏息的》 - 報導者 The Reporter